Anthony is a current competitive professional bodybuilder in the IFBB, former NCAA wrestler, and High School All American. His persistent involvement in athletics has fostered a high level of competitiveness that he displays in his coaching.
He is passionate about helping others achieve their physique and performance goals through applied exercise science and evidence based practice.
He specializes in programming both training and nutrition for physique athletes, wrestlers/grapplers, and general fitness clients. He will also serve as a posing coach for bodybuilders, classic physique, and men’s physique competitors.
Schedule a 30-Minute Needs Analysis Call
Interested in coaching services but unsure where and how to start? Kick off your journey with a Needs Analysis Consult Call with Coach Anthony Plaza. During this call, Anthony will take inventory of your current health & fitness status and outline a plan of how to best reach your goals.
If you decide to move forward with coaching services after the call, the cost of the consult call will be subtracted from your first payment for coaching.