Sam Belisle

Sam is a seasoned fitness expert with over 9 years of experience in the industry. Specializing in functional strength training, nutrition, and mindfulness, she brings a wealth of knowledge to help you achieve your fitness goals. Sam holds a degree in exercise science and is a certified precision nutritionist. With 2 years of bodybuilding competition experience in the wellness division, she understands the dedication it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Having been an athlete throughout her life, Sam is passionate about helping others become stronger, both mentally and physically. Her training approach is centered around guidance and accountability, ensuring that clients not only see results but also truly understand the principles of fitness.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, Sam has worked with clients of all ages and fitness levels. She specializes in corrective training for those with imbalances and weaknesses, tailoring her programs to meet individual needs. Sam’s mantra is simple yet powerful: “Take care of your mind, and your body will follow.” Sam is here to guide you every step of the way!

Schedule a 30-Minute Needs Analysis Call

Interested in coaching services but unsure where and how to start?  Kick off your journey with a Needs Analysis Consult Call with Coach Sam Belisle.  During this call, Sam will take inventory of your current health & fitness status and outline a plan of how to best reach your goals.  

If you decide to move forward with coaching services after the call, the cost of the consult call will be subtracted from your first payment for coaching.  


Questions for Coach Sam?

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